International Surveys on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health

Support starts with knowledge.

Critical Insights from Around the Globe

We are committed to producing innovative research that brings knowledge and clinical implications to the field of suicide research. To accomplish this we monitor, analyze, and evaluate data collected from LGBTQ young people.

  • Peru (Example)

    Available in:
    Español, English

    In partnership with Lorem Ipsum Dolor, Sit Amet, Consectetur Adipiscing Elit

  • United Kingdom (Example)

    Available in:

    In partnership with Lorem Ipsum Dolor, Sit Amet, Consectetur Adipiscing Elit

  • Philippines (Example)

    Available in:
    Filipino, English

    In partnership with Lorem Ipsum Dolor, Sit Amet, Consectetur Adipiscing Elit

  • Mexico

    Available in:
    Español, English

    FIXME in partnership with Lorem Ipsum Dolor, Sit Amet, Consectetur Adipiscing Elit

Data makes a difference.

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  • 97%

    At eripuit signiferumque sea, vel ad mucius molestie, cu labitur iuvaret vulputate sed.

  • 300+

    At eripuit signiferumque sea, vel ad mucius molestie, cu labitur iuvaret vulputate sed.

  • 1,234

    At eripuit signiferumque sea, vel ad mucius molestie, cu labitur iuvaret vulputate sed.

Below is a representation of the international countries that have been or are in the process of being surveyed by The Trevor Project. Currently surveyed (in dark orange) are The United States and Peru. Currently in the progress of being surveyed (in light orange) are Mexico, United Kingdom, Philippines, and South Africa.

— Surveyed

— In Progress